Memories Pt.1

Swapnalika Singh
Oct 9, 2021


A poem

Memories in mind

Sometimes are positive

Sometimes are negative

Memories in heart

Sometimes are sweet

Sometimes are bitter

Decide yourself

Either you will go with positive or negative

Either you will go with sweet or bitter

Positive memories bring happiness

Negative memories bring sadness

Sweet memories bring joy

Bitter memories bring tears

My heart sometimes goes with positive and sweet memories

My heart sometimes goes with negative and bitter memories

But why to run away from your memories

Memories are in your brain and heart

Love your memories always

Make your memories your strength not your weakness

Try to find out the positive ways to grow yourself from your memories

Love your memories forever.



Swapnalika Singh

Happy mom of 2 believes in learning,applying and sharing to the readers and writers..๐Ÿ™