How to rewire your brain with great ideas

Swapnalika Singh
3 min readDec 7, 2021

“Take up one idea,make that one idea your life.Think of it,dream of it,live on that idea.Let the brain,muscles,nerves,every part of your body,be full of that idea.And just leave every other idea alone.This is the way to success.”-Swami Vivekananda

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

For writers ideas are the vital part of their writing.If you have an idea your pen flows on your diary.Ideas are the creative part of your brain.To generate ideas into your brain one has to work on it.

When I started writing on Medium I read an article of very famous author Anangsha Alammyan.Try to generate 10 ideas daily and pick two from them just like a cherry from the garden.Then you start do writing.I do the same thing for one month and it really works.Daily in the morning I just penned down the 10 ideas from my brain in my diary and picked two of them and started doing writing.You will get a better idea by going through this link.

After working one month on this habit then an ideas will get generated automatically.There is a muscle in human brain for ideas.If you will work on that muscle then the idea will get generated.Repetitive exercise on that muscle helps in generating the ideas.If you will not work on that muscle then that muscle will stop working.

Brain is such a big collection of ideas.Consciously if you recognise your ideas then you can work on ideas.Ideas generated from your observations,hearing,watching.Human brains generates ideas during sleep as well as wake up time.Creative minds generate more ideas rather than non-creative minds.For your success you need to be creative,generate ideas and work on them.

Tips in following your ideas:

1.Be proactive- Take a proactive step to work on your ideas.Many people come up with an idea but they don’t take a proactive step to work on it.So try to make yourself be a proactive person.

2.Begin with the end in Mind-If you got an idea then you have to begin working on your idea,keeping in mind it’s deadline.

Napoleon said “A goal is a dream with a deadline.”

3.First thing first-If you are on the path of your idea then try to keep the first thing first then all other things.During this technology world we have so many tools and things to do that we forget to work on our ideas.Recognise your ideas and notice that this idea is helpful somewhere.Then try to explore more about on your ideas.

4.Think Win Win-Your ideas should be in the welfare of you and others then only that idea will be worthwhile otherwise it’s of no use.Many great people through their great ideas give so much to this world.All great people somehow got an idea then worked on that idea and become successful.We can take an example of Alexander Graham Bell who invented Telephone,Brian Acton co-founder of WhatsApp,Larry Page founded Google,James Russell invented CD,Martin Cooper invented first Cell phones and many more.

5-Seek first to understand then to be understood-First you have to be clear about your idea then you can make others be convinced with your idea.

6-Synergize-Togetherness is better than loneliness.If you will take many people along with your ideas then it will be the best.

7-Sharpen the saw-You have an idea but for making your idea sharp you have to give some time to renew your idea.

Then why to wait and for whom to wait just give some time to your brain and think more deeply about yourself and you will be full of ideas.

Happy Reading!

Happy Writing!



Swapnalika Singh

Happy mom of 2 believes in learning,applying and sharing to the readers and writers..🙏