
Swapnalika Singh
1 min readJun 9, 2022
Photo by Matteo Di Iorio on Unsplash

A person who sees death very closely knows the value of life more clearly.

A person who sees death very closely knows the feelings and emotions of others more clearly.

A person who sees death very closely takes every relationship very seriously.

A person who sees death very closely knows what is at the end of life.

A person who sees death very closely starts their day by keeping beginning at the end in their mind.

A person who sees death very closely knows their values and beliefs.

A person who sees death very closely becomes more humble and grateful towards life.

A person who sees death very closely develops an inner strength.

A person who sees death very closely changes their personality completely.

A person who sees death very closely transforms their life completely.

Death reveals many answers to the questions.

9th June 2022

Happy Reading!

Happy Writing!



Swapnalika Singh

Happy mom of 2 believes in learning,applying and sharing to the readers and writers..🙏